Universal Foundry Compute Grant
The team at Universal Foundry is excited to announce the Universal Foundry Compute Grant, targeted at helping solo and small game teams accelerate their project’s development. The Grant will award select teams with gratis Universal Foundry Horde continuous integration (CI) cloud infrastructure to support their game’s launch.
The Universal Foundry Compute Grant application is open now through May 30th, 2025. Small Unreal Engine 5 teams launching mobile, console, or PC games in 2025 or 2026 and who meet the technical requirements are encouraged to apply. For selected teams Universal Foundry will provide free service through their game’s launch window or the end of 2026, whichever comes first. Grant recipients will be notified of acceptance before June 30, 2025.
Frequently asked questions
Who is Eligible?
Any small team building a game with Unreal Engine 5.
What are the Technical Requirements?
Universal Foundry is compatible with Perforce for source control and requires Unreal Engine 5.3 or newer being built from source.
What are we looking for?
We're looking for Unreal Engine 5 teams aiming to ship innovative, ambitious games in 2025 or 2026. More specifically, we’re looking for small or solo professional game teams who have or anticipate struggling to find the time to put continuous integration in place with their existing team. We will select teams who meet the technical requirements, but who also clearly articulate why their game will be wonderful!
What is required of the selected teams?
We will need you to configure your game and source control to work with Universal Foundry and sign a simple licensing agreement you use the tools.
How much is the grant worth?
Universal Foundry starts at $950/mo but the cost is based on usage so this will vary from game-to-game.
Who can I contact with questions?
Send us an email at: grant@universalfoundry.io
Can I apply for more than one project?
Yes. We’d be thrilled to hear from teams with multiple games in development.
If our team/project is selected how long will it take to get onboarded?
Universal Foundry is quick to set up. We can have you up-and-running within a couple of days of being selected. Onboarding takes just a couple of hours of work on the developer’s side.
Is this limited to developers from the United States?
No! We encourage teams across the world to apply.